The raw food diet is commonly adopted in different parts of the globe. It also dates back to the 1800s. The raw food diet seems to be gaining popularity among different people. People have different reasons they adopt a raw food diet. These reasons range from the health benefits they present and weight loss, among others. Some medical experts advise people against frequently consuming raw diet. Some raw food diets are linked to health complications. This piece looks on both the good side and the bad side of the raw food diet.
The raw food diet is popularly known as raw veganism. This diet mostly comprises unprocessed and completely raw meals. Meals are considered raw if it is not heated with temperatures above 48 degrees. The raw diet also isn’t pasteurized, refined or sprayed with pesticides, among others. There are common preparations methods raw diets undergo. They are sprouting, soaking, dehydrating, blending and juicing. In addition to these, the raw food diet is plant-based. It mostly comprises of seeds, fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Some people have gone an extra mile and included dairy products and raw eggs in their raw food diet. There are some countries where raw meat and raw fish is included in their diet. The local Japanese people have for a long time included raw fish in their diet. A section of people believes that the raw food diet will provide them with all the nutrients their body needs. Some people believe cooking meals greatly reduces nutrients levels and kills natural enzymes. So, is a raw food diet beneficial when compared to cooked food?
Following the raw food diet
There are different raw food diet routines to choose from. There are some principals and set rules you must follow if you are serious on adopting this diet plan. First, ensure 75% of what you eat is raw. Most raw food diet plans comprise seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits. It’s up to you to determine the ratio and types of raw meals you will include in your diet. You can consider legumes and grains in your diet. Below are some tips you should consider on your raw food diet:
- Combination of seeds and nuts
- Eating pure fresh fruits
- Eating meats and dried fruits
- Sprouts
- Eating raw vegetables
- Combining raw legumes with raw grains
- Taking raw nut jars of butter
- Nut milk
- Coconut oils
- Fermented meals such as Sauerkraut and Kimchi
- Seaweed
- Raw eggs and dairy products
- Raw fish or meat
Some people make mistakes by eating some meals while on a raw food diet. Below are some meals you should avoid during your diet; baked meals, cooked meat, grains or vegetables; refined sugar, refined oils, roasted seeds, roasted nuts, pasteurized dairy or juices, pastries and pasta, among other processed meals.
Our raw meals healthy when compared to cooked food?
A large fraction of people adopts raw food diet plans because they think it is very healthy. These meals are linked with increased energy levels, weight loss and overall health improvement. Well; is this statement true or false? Studies reveal that both cooked and raw meals are healthy in different aspects. People have a perception that nutrients and natural enzymes are lost when food is cooked. Well; that is not the case. It all depends on the cooking method you have adopted, the cooking temperature and the cooking duration. Our body needs both nutrients and natural enzymes for proper functioning and improvement of our health.
The kind of food you are cooking determines the cooking method and the amount of heat to use. The use of the right heat helps preserve nutrients and natural enzymes. Vitamins B and Vitamin C are the most prone nutrients, especially if you mix your meal in water. Studies have also revealed that cooking increases the levels of some nutrients. These nutrients range from beta-carotene, lycopene and other antioxidants, among others.
Some raw meals contain harmful compounds such as phytic acid and lectins. These compounds might slow down the absorption process of some minerals.
Cooking legumes and some grains reduce the levels of these harmful compounds. In addition to these, cooking meals helps eliminate some bacteria that pose serious health hazards. Some raw meals such as fish might contain bacteria that cause serious health conditions. It is visible that cooked meals are more nutritious when compared to raw meals which pose some health risks.
The Nutrition review of raw food diet
Fruits are one of the meals you are encouraged to consume while on a raw food diet. They are considered one of the healthiest meals on earth. It is different kinds of nutrients. They range from vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre among others. Fibre makes a person full most of the day. This helps avoid unhealthy meals linked to poor health. Junk foods are some meals you should avoid while on the raw food diet. Junk foods contain high amounts of added sugar.
So, how does a raw food diet promote weight loss? Well; raw food diets promote weight loss through their low calories. People who completely adopt the raw food diet from cooked meals might end up taking very low calories. Therefore, keep track of your calories intake to avoid very low calories for your body.
Raw food diet doesn’t provide your body with enough protein, needed for building muscle. Cooked meals are easy to digest when compared to the raw food diet. This ensures the body absorbs all the essential nutrients within a short period. The raw food diet has been considered unbalancing. You might miss out on some nutrients by strictly adhering to the raw food diet.
The health benefits and cons of the raw food diet sadly, a lot of alleged health benefits of frequently consuming raw food diet have not been scientifically proven. There are health benefits linked with the raw food diet. However, the negative effects are more than the benefits. This diet plan is capable of reducing both bad and healthy cholesterol levels. Long term consumption of raw meat can result in tooth erosion. The raw food diet can result in low of some nutrients such as Vitamin D and calcium. This diet plan can also lower the bone mass of a person.
Is the raw food diet sustainable and safe for consumption?
There are no serious health conditions for people who adopt the raw food diet once in a while. You only risk serious health complications if you consider this diet plan for a long time. Minerals, vitamins and protein are some nutrients you are likely to miss out when you adopt this diet plan. Some meals such as raw fish, eggs and raw fish are more likely to result in serious health complications.
The Bottom Line
Some meals adopted in the raw food diet are very healthy. However, this diet plan isn’t recommended for long term. Try and focus your attention on cooked meals if possible. This ensures your body adopts different nutrients.