How can I reduce insulin resistance naturally?

Insulin is an essential hormone in the body. It helps the body control blood sugar levels. This hormone is made in the pancreas. Insulin removes excessive sugar from the blood and directs it to various cells for storage. There are instances when the cells are resistant to insulin. This is one of the causes of high blood sugar levels. The pancreas will automatically produce more Insulin if it senses a lot of sugar in the system. This helps reduce blood sugar levels in the system and significantly reduce insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes. Long term blood sugar levels in the body can damage organs and the nerves system.

Different people are prone to diabetes. You are more likely to contract diabetes if your family has type 2 diabetes history or you have prediabetes. Anyone who is obese or overweight is prone to type 2 diabetes. Below are some ways you can naturally improve your insulin sensitivity:

Enough sleep

Medical doctors recommend enough sleep. It improves our health. Lack of enough sleep is harmful to the body. People who don’t get enough sleep are prone to infections and chronic conditions. Type 2 diabetes and heart disease are examples of chronic conditions you are prone to due to enough sleep. Above all; lack of enough sleep also results to low insulin sensitivity. You need enough sleep on a daily basis. Enough sleep improves insulin sensitivity in the body. This automatically improves the ability to control blood sugar levels. Anyone experiencing low insulin sensitivity due to less sleep should get enough sleep. This can reverse the results of poor sleeping habit.

Working out

Workout is one of the simplest ways of improving insulin sensitivity in the body. There are plenty of workout routines to choose from. You simply need to choose a particular workout routine and be consistent. Consistency in working out is the secret towards increasing the insulin sensitivity. Workout moves sugar into various body muscles. This process automatically increases insulin sensitivity in the body. Increased insulin sensitivity can last up to 48 hours. It all depends on the exercise routine you choose. Resistance training is one of the workout routines that can instantly increase your insulin sensitivity. The above statement applies to people with and without diabetes. Consider combining both resistance training and aerobics for efficient results.

Stress reduction

Stress can affect your body in numerous ways. It can affect the way your body regulates sugar in the blood. The body releases stress hormones when you are stressed. These hormones range from glucagon and cortisol. Continuous stress levels make the body produce more stress hormones. High stress levels trigger high sugar levels in the blood. Medical evidence has revealed that high stress hormones trigger Insulin resistance. Therefore, look for ways of reducing stress levels before they accumulate. Try solving your stress on time before they get out of hand. Meditation, workout and enough rest are some ways of relieving stress.

Shedding off some extra pounds

Obesity or increased weight gain is renown to lower insulin sensitivity in the body. This automatically increases the possibility of type 2 diabetes. Belly fat is commonly linked to lower insulin sensitivity. Anyone who has increased in weight or obese should consider shedding off some extra pounds. This is one of the natural ways you can increase insulin sensitivity in the body. Weight loss also reduces the risks of developing type 2 diabetes. There are three main ways you can efficiently shed off unwanted weight. They are exercise, diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Go for meals rich in soluble fiber

Generally, fiber is divided into two categories. That is insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is renowned for moving stool faster through the intestine. Soluble fiber on the other hand offers plenty of health benefits. These benefits range from reducing uncontrolled appetite and lowering the bad cholesterol in the body. Recent scientific studies revealed that frequent intake of soluble fiber can improve insulin sensitivity. Soluble fiber also supplies the good bacteria in the gut. This is also linked to improved insulin sensitivity in the body. Oranges, oatmeal, legume and flaxseeds are some meals rich in soluble fiber.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are one of the healthiest meals. They are rich in different kinds of nutrients, which benefit the body in numerous ways. Above all; fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants known for fighting the free radicals. These free radicals can cause inflammation if not neutralized. Meals that contain plant compounds such as fruits and vegetables can help improve insulin sensitivity. Colorful vegetables and fruits are known to contain high amounts of plant compounds. Limit yourself on the kind of fruits you eat. Some fruits contain high amounts of sugar.

The use of spices and herbs when cooking

Spices and herbs have for a long time been used for medicinal purpose. There are plenty of herbs and spices that can be used in cooking. Spices and herbs such as garlic, ginger, turmeric and fenugreek are some herbs and spices that improve insulin sensitivity.

  • Fenugreek seeds contain high amounts of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber has for a long period been use to improve insulin sensitivity. Frequent consumption of Fenugreek seeds will also improve how your body controls blood sugar levels.
  • Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin. This compound contains high amounts of anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. Curcumin is also linked to improved insulin sensitivity.

Ginger and garlic are other spices that can improve insulin sensitivity in the body. Above all; spices and herbs also improve the taste of meals.

The use of cinnamon

Cinnamon falls under spice. It is one of the natural spices that contain high amounts of plant compounds. Cinnamon has for ages been used in controlling blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity. A teaspoon of cinnamon helps deliver both short terms and long terms effects. Cinnamon also contains compounds that can act as insulin. This is the reason it is more effective in improving insulin sensitivity in the body.

Frequently taking green tea

Green tea is known to contain plenty of health benefits. This magical beverage drink is recommended for people who are at a high risk of developing diabetes. It is also recommended for those with type 2 diabetes. It has on numerous occasions proven that green tea can help keep blood sugar levels at bay. It performs this function by improving insulin sensitivity in the body. Researches link EGCG, a powerful antioxidant found in green tea with aiding insulin sensitivity.

The use of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar serves plenty of purpose. It can be used in foods and in cleaning. Apple cider vinegar is considered healthy when compared to other types of vinegar. This vinegar is capable of increasing insulin sensitivity in two ways. It makes insulin more effective and reduces blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar also delays releasing food into the digestive tract. This gives your body enough time to absorb the available sugar in blood.

Reduce the amount of carbs

Do you know you might be experiencing low insulin sensitivity because of taking large amounts of carbs? Medical experts have long proven that reducing the amounts of carbs can improve insulin sensitivity in the body. Meals that contain high amounts of carbs are more likely to trigger high blood sugar levels. Limiting the amounts of carbs you consume is one of the ways you can naturally improve your insulin sensitivity. There are different types of carbs to choose from. Go for carbs that are slow to release sugar directly into the blood.

Completely avoid Trans fats

A lot of meals in our current generation contain artificial trans fats. Artificial trans fats don’t benefit the body in any way. Above all; they increase the risk of developing some chronic conditions. Diabetes is one of the conditions you are prone to. This is one of the reasons you should avoid trans fats. Studies have also revealed that high consumption of artificial trans fats triggers insulin resistance. It also makes it difficult to control blood sugar levels. Consider reducing trans fats if your body is exhibiting insulin resistance due to intake of plenty of artificial trans fats. This will improve your insulin sensitivity in the body. Fried fast foods, doughnuts and pies are some meals that contain high amounts of artificial trans fats. Trans fats are commonly found in processed meals.

Reduce the amount of added sugars you consume

A lot of people don’t know there is difference between natural sugars and added sugars. Natural sugars can be found in from vegetable and plants. They are also beneficial to the body as they contain plenty of nutrients. On the other hand, added sugars are commonly found in processed meals. Added sugars have for a long time been proven to trigger insulin resistance, especially among the diabetic people. Insulin resistance is also visible among people who are not diabetic. Therefore, consider reducing the amounts of added sugars you consume if you want naturally improve your insulin sensitivity. Pastries, cookies, cakes and beverages are some products that contain high amounts of added sugars.

Go for supplements

There are plenty of natural supplements you can take to improve your insulin sensitivity. Magnesium, berberine, chromium and resveratrol are some supplements that can improve your insulin sensitivity.

  • Chromium has for a long period been use in reducing blood sugar levels and improves overall insulin sensitivity in the body.
  • Magnesium is very essential in the body. Low amounts of magnesium are linked to insulin resistance. Normal amounts of magnesium promote insulin sensitivity.
  • Berberine is extracted from different kinds of herbs. It is renowned in lowering blood sugar levels and boosting insulin sensitivity.
  • Resveratrol is found in berries. This Polyphenol can significantly improve insulin sensitivity.

Bottom Line

Insulin is very essential in our bodies. Low insulin sensitivity is common among different people. This overworks the pancreas to produce more insulin to aid in clearings sugar levels from the blood. Low insulin sensitivity is linked to different conditions such as heart conditions and diabetes. Luckily, there are numerous ways you can naturally improve insulin sensitivity. Go for a method you can easily execute. All the above methods are efficient in improving your insulin sensitivity.


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