What Bugs Can Cause Allergic Reactions

Insects. What would we do without them? The world’s most numerous population numbers, also they’re endlessly useful and life wouldn’t be possible without them. 

However, some of them, even though useful are considered pests. What’s worse is that in some cases, they may cause allergic reactions, sometimes even lethal. 

This means dealing with them when there’s a danger present is especially important. Guess you’re in luck today as that’s what we’re going to be discussing in detail below.

Read on!

Dust Mites

They’re so microscopic that actually some people believe them to be a myth. However, they’re wrong as we can assure you dust mites are very real. And so are the allergic reactions they cause. 

In fact, these little creatures don’t cause allergies directly, like say, through a bite. They do so through their waste products, mainly faeces.

The number one way to deal with them is by keeping pristine hygiene. Only through that can your allergies be alleviated and your home safe

Furthermore, you can employ additional strategies to keep the dust mite populations in check. You may use allergy-proof bed covers. Next, you may wash your bedding at hot temperatures. 

If your sheets cannot be washed in at least 55C, go for the next best thing. Put them in your dryer at high temperatures, but keep them at least for 15 minutes there, as that’s how long it takes for the mites and allergies to die off.

Lastly, you may consider removing your carpeting. Replace it with hard flooring, and you’ll have much fewer allergens to deal with. Not to mention, a much easier time cleaning and maintaining the cleanliness of your home.

Bee & Wasps Stings

Bee or a wasp stings hurt. So much so that if you’ve ever experienced this, you remember how painful it is for life. Still, that’s not nearly as scary as for someone who has bee or wasp allergy. Now, that’s a serious matter. 

In such cases, you need to be mindful about going to the outdoors, especially areas where there’s large concentration of either insects.

Just to be on the safe side, you know. But if you refuse to be ruled by fear, first off, congrats. That’s a very brave choice, indeed. You can still enjoy the outdoors if you consult a licensed doctor and carry the necessary medication with you.

In case you don’t and get stung, however, you must immediately contact emergency servies. Especially, if you suffer from a rare condition called mastocytosis. 

To ensure no bees or wasps sting you, avoid carrying bright colours and food with you. Don’t exhibit aggressive behaviour. Don’t try to swat them, unless, of course, you have experience. Instead move away from them slowly and calmly. 

If you find a nest of bees or (more likely) wasps, do not attempt to remove it yourself. Instead, call the local authorities or a licensed pest control company.


Although not exactly “bugs” but technically arachnids, spiders have their fair share of infamy. Particularly around arachnophobes. However, spiders protect you from quite a bit of pesky insects. So, in that term, they’re quite beneficial to have around.

They catch flies, mosquitoes, and even sometimes wasps. So, unless they’re really bothering you, you can leave them at least in your home’s exterior, where they can do good work to protect you from all the other creepy crawling menaces.

However, some people exhibit allergic reactions. This can either be a minor reaction, as some spiders do have venom, or in extreme cases, which are rare, mind you, anaphylaxis. If the latter occurs, you need to call an emergency unit immediately, as the results may prove fatal.

Lastly, most spiders, at least in the Northern hemisphere, are relatively harmless. Let them be, if you’re not too grossed out, and they’ll do their magic around your home to protect you from all the other annoying pests we’ve mentioned earlier.


This flying pest needs no introduction. It’s small but packs major damage, even if the only thing it does is deprive you of your precious sleep. 

Mosquitoes are flying menaces that will suck on your blood. That is, if you’re not wearing a repellent or your hand and eye coordination isn’t on par with an amateur power slap competitor.  

In case a mosquito does manage to bite you, it may transmit plenty of diseases, depending on the species or your geolocation. 

Some diseases like malaria and Nile fever are extremely terrible to go through, so if you’re visiting locations where that’s a risk, you better come prepared. Even if you’re not allergic.

Moreover, even if you’re not living in malaria zones, mosquitoes can also cause allergic reactions in some people. That’s when there’s intense swelling and itching in the bitten area. This may result in allergy to people who are hypersensitive to mosquito bites.

Yours truly is among one of them. 

There’s also the skeeter syndrom, which can develop suddenly, even if you’ve never had it before, and can sometimes be life-treathening. It’s linked to severe autoimmune response to the mosquito saliva. It can be alleviated with ice compress, medication, or, you know, never having to deal with a mosquito bite in the first place.

That’s a bit tough, but not impossible, if the problem is that your home suffers from a mosquito infestation. In such case, you can always call professional pest control to handle the issue for you and apply the necessary treatment around the house. 

And when you’re allergic, it’s well worth looking into this option, as it’s much more preferable than the alternative.

A fun fact is that one mosquito died during the writing of this subsection.


The world is full of bugs. Some may cause allergic reactions, sure, while others will be safe. However, in case of a threat, it’s important to deal with that menace as soon as you notice it. Especially so, if you’re allergic to it. 

Sometimes it’s best to do that alone, with DIY means. At other times, it’s simply best to contact local pest control in your area

The pros are more than equipped to deal with the menace, especially if we’re talking about an ongoing infestation. Moreover, they have tons of experience dealing with pests, and they’ll save you the risk of dealing with allergy-triggering pests all by yourself. 

Ultimately, we wish you plenty of luck avoiding your least favourite menace and a quick resolution if you’re dealing with them.


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