3 Things to Keep in Mind During This Time

3 Things to Keep in Mind During This Time

Quarantining yourself at home can play an important role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. But this doesn’t mean that coping with the disruption in your normal routine is easy. Taking care of your mental health is essential, even…

Food which is bad for Health

Food which is bad for Health

1 Sugary drinks- The source of sugar where the sugary drinks which are harmful for the liquid calories and brain doesn’t appear for the register as the food. The drastically increase for the total calorie intake which is consumed for…

12 Simple Ways to Drink More Water

12 Simple Ways to Drink More Water

1) Understand the fluid needs- If one decides for drinking the more water, but the NAM(National Academy of Medicine) advises that the fluid per day which include the water where the other drink and foods are acknowledged for making it…

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